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Why Patients Choose The Evans Centre


stones.JPG Nothing says “health” better than a vibrant smile.  If yours is less than perfect, you may want to take advantage of the advances in cosmetic dentistry to improve the appearance of your teeth.  But, it is more than just appearance:  the state of your mouth affects your overall health.

Periodontal disease can cause heart problems, circulatory problems, diabetes, low birth weight babies, increased blood pressure and high cholesterol.  Each tooth relates to a specific acupuncture meridian.  A misaligned bite affects chewing and digestion, and Temporo-mandibular (TMJ) dysfunction and other musculoskeletal problems.


The Evans Centre for Dental Health and Wellness is a holistic dental office, believing a healthy mouth contributes to the well-being of the whole person (body, mind and spirit). The Evans Centre treatment protocols promote healthy immune systems and enhanced overall health and wellness. Our dentists offer all aspects of dental care from a holistic point of view.

We are famous for our protocol for the safer removal of mercury fillings. Our focus is on safe materials and treatment protocols with a holistic approval to restoration, root canals, periodontal disease and dental hygiene.  W
e minimize the use of x-rays (and/or use technology that reduces exposure by up to 90%) and use non-toxic materials such as composite fillings rather than mercury amalgam fillings.



Disclaimer: Most Dentists are not of the view that mercury amalgams are harmful to your health. All Site content Copyright 2009, Powered by Excelus Web Solutions