
holistic_dentistbiologic_dentistrymercury_free_dentistThe Evans Centre for Dental Health and Wellness is a General Practice.  We welcome new patients of all ages and share in your commitment to pursue the path of optimal dental and overall health.  Please contact us directly to answer any questions you may have.
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403-286-2622 or Toll Free: 1-800-558-4416

Invisalign can work for you


A confident smile isn't the only benefit of correcting your dental issues with custom-made Invisalign aligners.
Not only is Invisalign versatile, helping to correct a broad range of dental and orthodontic issues, but it really works. And there are over a million smiles to back that up. But a confident smile isn't the only benefit of correcting your dental issues with custom-made Invisalign aligners—your health can be positively impacted as well. Learn more about several common issues below that an experienced Invisalign doctor can work with you to correct.

What issues could invisalign solve for you? Click to find out:
Halloween Candy Buy Back

On Monday November 2nd, Dr. Thom Evans, Dr. Kindal Robertson and the staff of the Evans Centre for Dental Health and Wellness, hosted their annual Halloween Candy Buy-Back. Building on the success of last year’s event, more than 150 kids from the community...


Periowave - Fights Periodontal Disease
amalgam_removalperiowave_dental_hygieneThe Periowave Photodisinfection System
Periowave™ utilizes a non-thermal laser light combined with a photosensitizing solution designed to kill bacteria associated with gum disease. Killing the bacteria halts the progression of the disease and allows healing to begin. Gum diseases, also called periodontal diseases, occur when a bacterial infection develops where the gums join the teeth. Harmful bacteria release enzymes that cause your gums to be inflamed. If left untreated, your inflammatory process leads to underlying bone loss, receding gums and possibly tooth loss.
Bacteria associated with periodontal diseases can travel into the bloodstream and may result in other adverse health effects.

Disclaimer: Most Dentists are not of the view that mercury amalgams are harmful to your health. All Site content Copyright 2009, Calgary Web Design by Web Candy